
Making a Payment


This guide outlines how to send money using the Modulr API.

The API supports three ways of sending funds:

  • To another Modulr account: type ACCOUNT
  • To an external bank account using the Sort Code and Account number: type SCAN
  • To an external bank account already added as a Beneficiary: type BENEFICIARY
All payment requests require you to specify the source Modulr account for the payment. The destination type will vary depending on the destination type.

SCAN and BENEFICIARY requests are validated against the standard UK Modulus checks for Sort Code and Account Number. Details of these checks can be found here.

A sample of Sort Code / Account Numbers that will fail this check are;

  • 938063 / 15763217
  • 118765 / 64371388
  • 203099 / 66831036

A sample of Sort Code / Account Numbers that will pass this check are;

  • 134020 / 63849203
  • 118765 / 64371389
  • 200915 / 41011166

Payment to SCAN

Create a payment request to an external bank account specifying the Sort Code and Account Number.


  "amount": 1,
  "destination": {
    "accountNumber": "22446688",
    "sortCode": "112233",
    "name": "A N Payee",
    "type": "SCAN"
  "externalReference": "c3035952-b6f3-11e6-80f5-76304dec7eb7",
  "reference": "Payment 123",
  "sourceAccountId": "A12002MW"


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    "details": {
        "sourceAccountId": "A12002MW",
        "destinationType": "SCAN",
        "destination": {
            "type": "SCAN",
            "accountNumber": "22446688",
            "sortCode": "112233",
            "name": "A N Payee"
        "amount": 1,
        "reference": "Payment 123",
        "externalReference": "c3035952-b6f3-11e6-80f5-76304dec7eb7"
    "createdDate": "2017-02-02T16:59:36.877+0000",
    "id": "P120003AQJ",
    "externalReference": "c3035952-b6f3-11e6-80f5-76304dec7eb7",
    "status": "VALIDATED"

Payment to a Beneficiary

Make a Faster Payment to an existing Beneficiary using the Beneficiary ID.


    "amount": 1.50,
    "destination": {
        "id": "B12001EZ",
        "type": "BENEFICIARY"
    "externalReference": "c3035952-b6f3-11e6-80f5-76304dec7eb7",
    "reference": "Payment 456",
    "sourceAccountId": "A12002MW"


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    "details": {
        "sourceAccountId": "A12002MW",
        "destinationId": "B12001EZ",
        "destinationType": "BENEFICIARY",
        "destination": {
            "type": "BENEFICIARY",
            "id": "B12001EZ"
        "amount": 1.5,
        "reference": "Payment 456"

    "createdDate": "2017-02-02T17:00:57.172+0000",
    "id": "P120003AQK",
    "externalReference": "c3035952-b6f3-11e6-80f5-76304dec7eb7",
    "status": "VALIDATED"

Payment to a Modulr Account

Transfer funds to another Account on the Modulr platform.


  "amount": 250,
  "destination": {
    "id": "A1200BUT",
    "type": "ACCOUNT"
  "externalReference": "c3035952-b6f3-11e6-80f5-76304dec7eb7",
  "reference": "Payment 789",
  "sourceAccountId": "A12002MW"


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    "details": {
        "sourceAccountId": "A12002MW",
        "destinationId": "A1200BUT",
        "destinationType": "ACCOUNT",
        "destination": {
            "type": "ACCOUNT",
            "id": "A1200BUT"
        "amount": 250,
        "reference": "Payment 789",

    "createdDate": "2017-02-02T17:01:47.147+0000",
    "id": "P120003AQM",
    "externalReference": "c3035952-b6f3-11e6-80f5-76304dec7eb7",
    "status": "VALIDATED"

Query Payment status

The /payments/ endpoint is asynchronous - the payment status returned on the initial request will update as the payment is processed. You should check the payment status after a short interval to allow for processing to get the final status for a payment.

You can check the status of the newly created Payment by querying it by it by it’s id.




HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "content": [{
        "id": "P120002369",
        "status": "PROCESSED",
        "details": {
            "reference": "Payment 123",
            "externalReference": "c3035952-b6f3-11e6-80f5-76304dec7eb7",
            "amount": 1,
            "sourceAccountId": "A12002MW",
            "destination": {
                "name": "A N Payee",
                "type": "SCAN",
                "sortCode": "112233",
                "accountNumber": "22446688"
        "createdDate": "2016-11-30T11:57:26.739+0000"
    "size": 1,
    "totalSize": 1,
    "page": 0,
    "totalPages": 1

Payment Statuses

A Payment object can have the following statuses:

 Payment Status  Description  State
 Sucess / Pending statuses    
 SUBMITTED  Request has been accepted - will go to internal validation  Transient  
 VALIDATED  Request internally validated - request has been validated  and now is queued to be sent to external system  Transient
 PROCESSED  Request processed successfully  sent to external system.  Final
 Error statuses    
 ER_INVALID  Failed internal validations - incorrect data like no funds,  account inactive, no destination beneficiary etc  Final
 ER_EXTCONN  Issues with external system connectivity - will be retried  Transient
 ER_EXTSYS  Rejected by external system  Final
 ER_GENERAL  General error, covering any other errors  Final
 ER_BATCH  Rejected due to strict processing of BatchRequest - Not  relevant to single payments  Final